Observation by Nick James: Comet C/2023 A3 rising from Chile

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Nick James


Nick James


2024 Sep 25 - 09:15


2024 Sep 25 - 11:34


C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)

  • iTelescope T70 (ASI2600 + Samyang 135mm FL lens



Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile


Comet C/2023 A3 rising from Chile

About this image

The magestic tail of C/2023 A3 rises above distant mountains in this timelapse of 60s exposures taken with a widefield camera in Chile.  The comet comes to perihelion on September 27 and the prospects for a great display after conjunction starting around October 11 are good. The comet was at about 3 degrees above the true horizon when it cleared the mountains.  

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Grant Privett
Grant Privett, 2024 Sep 25 - 12:48 UTC

What sort of length is the comets tail now?

That is a 2nd tail at 4 o'clock isnt it?

Nick James
Nick James, 2024 Sep 25 - 18:00 UTC

The bright dust tail is at least 3 deg on that image but it goes out of the frame. I need to try a bit harder to get the camera centred on the tail next time. Yes, there is a faint dust fan to the right of the main tail and then another short, stubby tail to the lower right. I think this may be the gas tail but I need to check the geometry. I've put a stack of three images from this sequence here.

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