Observation by Mazin Younis: Comet A3 Rising

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Mazin Younis


Mazin Younis


2024 Sep 25 - 06:30


2024 Sep 25 - 17:07


C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)

  • Nikon d7500
  • Tamron 70-200mm @200mm f/2.8

10 x 2s


Personal Remote Telescope - Morocco


Comet A3 Rising

About this image

Planned carefully to catch the comet as soon as it cleared Aklim mountain range, the highest in the lower Atlas (2530m).

The comet was 4° above horizon when it just cleared the mountain, with the challenging bright dawn.

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Nick James
Nick James, 2024 Sep 25 - 18:52 UTC

That's a nice set of images which show the dust tail very well. In theory the comet is briefly visible pre-conjunction from 50N over the next few days although it will be very low in the morning twilight sky. It is looking very good for October post-conjunction when the dust tail should be even longer, particularly on October 14 when we pass through the comet's orbital plane.

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