Observation by Graham Roberts: NGC 1499 California Nebula

Uploaded by

Graham Roberts


Graham Roberts


2024 Nov 21 - 20:00


2024 Dec 03 - 09:26


The California Nebula (NGC1499)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 03h59m
Dec: +36°37'
Position angle: -177°43'

Field size

2°42' × 1°45'


Redhill, Surrey UK

Target name

NGC 1499


NGC 1499 California Nebula

About this image

An emission nebula located some 1,000 light years from Earth, the billowing clouds of hydrogen and sulphur gases and dust, and the faint, wispy veil of oxygen are clearly evident in this powerful SHO image.  The intense ultraviolet radiation from the nearby massive star Menkib - with a surface temperature of about 37,000 K and radiation 330,000 times greater than our Sun - plays a key role in ionizing the gasses of the nebula, which ultimately brings this majestic monster to life.

For more information please refer to my website here: https://watchthisspaceman.com/2024/12/02/surfs-up-the-california-nebula-ngc-1499/



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