Observation by Nick James: A daytime comet
Uploaded by
Nick James
Nick James
2025 Jan 11 - 14:32
2025 Jan 11 - 18:11
C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)
- 90mm, f/6.2 refr. + ASI1600MM
Chelmsford, UK
Target name
C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)
A daytime comet
About this image
This comet comes to perihelion on Jan 13. It is currently at an elongation of 7.9 deg and brightening rapidly. This is an image taken from Chelmsford this afternoon taking advantage of a convenient tree to my southwest which blocked out the Sun. I took two videos of the field offset slightly in declination and then differenced the resulting stacks to get this image. The tail is essentially pointing away from where the Sun is. The comet is now in the SOHO LASCO C3 Field of view and it is saturating the detector so it is difficult to tell how bright it is. I've estimated -0.8 from this image using Venus as a reference but it is probably brighter than this.
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Alan Thomas,
Martin Lewis,
Grant Privett,
Robin Leadbeater,
Mark Phillips,
David Arditti,
Alan Dowdell,
Dr Paul Leyland,
Dominic Ford,
Peter Mulligan,
Callum Potter,
Alan C Tough,
Hugh Allen,
Alex Pratt,
Graham Winstanley,
Adam Rawlinson,
Paul Whitmarsh,
Martina McGovern,
Ron Johnson
I suggest that this should be an image of the week.
Thanks Paul. Here is the telescope that I used to get that image. Note the advanced optical baffle system.
Its good to see another EQ6 that looks hard used too...
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