Observation by Grant Privett: c/2023 H5
Uploaded by
Grant Privett
Grant Privett
2025 Feb 06 - 01:00
2025 Feb 08 - 02:15
C/2023 H5 (Lemmon)
- SX Trius 694
- 300mm f/4 Newtonian
20x 60s
Near Salisbury, UK.
Target name
c/2023 H5
c/2023 H5
About this image
Another of my sporadic images of comets. When I first looked for this comet it was lost in the glare of a bright star. 20 minutes later I started getting a decent pic as the tail pulled away.
Late Edit: As Nick pointed out below, I got the year wrong in the original title. Thought I had previously edited it, but I probably forgot to press "Save".
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I find that faint comets have a habit of hiding close to bright stars! Good to see you going after these fainter comets. Nice image and the object ID is correct but could you correct the title please? This is C/2023 H5 not C/2025 H5. We don't get to H until the second half of April...
Yeah, its official. Grant's brain is missing.
I thought you'd perfected time travel...
Have you seen the price of flux capacitors these days?
And I'm not sure my car would do 87mph.
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