The Arp's catalog of peculiar galaxies in Cancer

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Arp 12Galaxy12.2Cancer08h35m+28°28'
NGC 2608, UGC 4484, PGC 24111
4 images »
Arp 58Galaxy14.2Cancer08h31m+19°12'
UGC 4457, PGC 23935
1 image »
Arp 82Galaxy cluster12.8Cancer08h11m+25°11'
3 images »
Arp 89Galaxy12.7Cancer08h42m+14°17'
NGC 2648, UGC 4541, PGC 24464
0 images »
Arp 167Galaxy cluster11.6Cancer08h49m+19°04'
1 image »
Arp 243Galaxy cluster13.4Cancer08h38m+25°45'
1 image »
Arp 247Galaxy cluster14.7Cancer08h23m+21°20'
0 images »
Arp 287Galaxy cluster13.3Cancer09h02m+25°56'
0 images »
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