The Arp's catalog of peculiar galaxies in Canes Venatici

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Arp 23Galaxy10.8Canes Venatici12h41m+41°08'
NGC 4618, UGC 7853, PGC 42575
3 images »
Arp 36Galaxy15.0Canes Venatici13h34m+31°25'
UGC 8548, PGC 47808
0 images »
Arp 40Galaxy15.0Canes Venatici13h29m+37°24'
IC 4271
0 images »
Arp 84Galaxy cluster11.4Canes Venatici13h58m+37°26'
5 images »
Arp 85Galaxy cluster8.4Canes Venatici13h29m+47°13'
115 images »
Arp 111Galaxy14.3Canes Venatici14h01m+33°49'
NGC 5421, Mrk 665, UGC 8941
0 images »
Arp 183Galaxy14.6Canes Venatici13h34m+31°23'
UGC 8560, PGC 47867
0 images »
Arp 193Galaxy14.4Canes Venatici13h20m+34°08'
IC 883, UGC 8387, PGC 46560
0 images »
Arp 211Galaxy cluster16.0Canes Venatici12h37m+38°43'
0 images »
Arp 265Galaxy16.0Canes Venatici12h53m+36°05'
IC 3862, UGC 8023
0 images »
Arp 266Galaxy12.8Canes Venatici12h59m+34°51'
NGC 4861, Mrk 59, UGC 8098
0 images »
Arp 269Galaxy cluster9.8Canes Venatici12h30m+41°40'
11 images »
Arp 281Galaxy cluster9.3Canes Venatici12h42m+32°33'
25 images »
Arp 334Galaxy13.6Canes Venatici13h30m+31°37'
UGC 8498, PGC 47462
0 images »
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