The Collinder catalog in Canis Major

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Cr 88Open cluster8.6Canis Major06h15m-18°39'
NGC 2204, Mel 44
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Cr 98Open cluster9.4Canis Major06h29m-31°16'
NGC 2243, Mel 46
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Cr 118Open cluster4.5Canis Major06h45m-20°45'
M 41, NGC 2287, Mel 52
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Cr 121Open cluster2.6Canis Major06h54m-24°38'
Omicron Canis Minorum Cluster
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Cr 129Open cluster7.7Canis Major07h08m-13°11'
NGC 2345, Mel 61
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Cr 131Open cluster6.5Canis Major07h14m-25°41'
NGC 2354
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Cr 132Open cluster3.6Canis Major07h14m-31°10'
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Cr 134Open cluster7.2Canis Major07h17m-15°38'
C 58, NGC 2360, Mel 64
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Cr 136Open cluster4.1Canis Major07h18m-24°57'
Tau Canis Majoris Cluster, Mexican Jumping Star, C 64, NGC 2362, Mel 65
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Cr 137Open cluster7.9Canis Major07h20m-21°53'
NGC 2367
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Cr 139Open cluster8.0Canis Major07h23m-13°15'
NGC 2374
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Cr 140Open cluster3.5Canis Major07h23m-32°12'
Tuft in the Tail of the Dog
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Cr 141Open cluster8.4Canis Major07h24m-20°56'
NGC 2383
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Cr 142Open cluster7.4Canis Major07h25m-21°01'
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Cr 143Open clusterCanis Major07h25m-21°01'
0 images »
Cr 145Open cluster10.0Canis Major07h26m-24°18'
0 images »
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