The Index Catalogue (IC) in Canis Major

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
IC 452DuplicateCanis Major06h48m-16°54'
0 images »
IC 453StarCanis Major06h49m11s-16°54'24"
0 images »
IC 456Galaxy13.0Canis Major07h00m-30°09'
0 images »
IC 468NebulaCanis Major07h17m-13°13'
LBN 1040
1 image »
IC 2163Galaxy11.1Canis Major06h16m-21°22'
UGCA 125, PGC 18751
0 images »
IC 2165Planetary nebula10.5Canis Major06h21m-12°59'
PK 221-12.1, PN-G 221.3-12.3
1 image »
IC 2171Galaxy15.2Canis Major06h44m-17°55'
0 images »
IC 2183NebulaCanis Major07h16m-20°24'
0 images »
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