The Markarian galaxies in Triangulum

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Mrk 364Galaxy15.2Triangulum01h57m+27°51'
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Mrk 365Galaxy14.7Triangulum02h04m+28°39'
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Mrk 1006Galaxy14.7Triangulum01h46m+34°55'
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Mrk 1008Galaxy15.0Triangulum01h50m+33°44'
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Mrk 1009Galaxy13.3Triangulum01h50m+35°17'
NGC 688, UGC 1302, PGC 6799
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Mrk 1010Galaxy15.1Triangulum01h54m+35°25'
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Mrk 1028Galaxy16.5Triangulum02h17m+31°41'
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Mrk 1030Galaxy15.2Triangulum02h17m+29°31'
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Mrk 1032Galaxy16.0Triangulum02h20m+32°42'
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Mrk 1034Galaxy14.6Triangulum02h23m+32°11'
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Mrk 1035Galaxy16.0Triangulum02h24m+33°33'
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Mrk 1037Galaxy16.5Triangulum02h26m+36°47'
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Mrk 1040Galaxy13.9Triangulum02h28m+31°18'
NGC 931, UGC 1935, PGC 9399
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Mrk 1041Galaxy16.5Triangulum02h28m+35°22'
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Mrk 1050Galaxy13.9Triangulum02h37m+34°25'
UGC 2105, PGC 9958
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Mrk 1051Galaxy16.0Triangulum02h40m+35°17'
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Mrk 1057Galaxy16.0Triangulum02h49m+34°02'
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Mrk 1156Galaxy15.1Triangulum01h32m+33°10'
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Mrk 1158Galaxy14.9Triangulum01h34m+35°02'
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Mrk 1159Galaxy15.2Triangulum01h35m+33°03'
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Mrk 1160Galaxy16.5Triangulum01h38m+35°12'
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Mrk 1162Galaxy16.0Triangulum01h38m+29°38'
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Mrk 1163Galaxy16.0Triangulum01h39m+31°13'
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Mrk 1164Galaxy15.8Triangulum01h41m+32°53'
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Mrk 1167Galaxy14.9Triangulum01h56m+31°42'
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Mrk 1171Galaxy12.8Triangulum02h01m+31°52'
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Mrk 1175Galaxy16.2Triangulum02h13m+31°52'
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Mrk 1180Galaxy13.4Triangulum02h36m+33°19'
NGC 987, UGC 2093, PGC 9911
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