The Messier objects in Coma Berenices

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
M53Globular cluster7.7Coma Berenices13h12m+18°10'
NGC 5024, Mel 117
17 images »
M64Galaxy8.5Coma Berenices12h56m+21°41'
Black Eye Galaxy, Evil Eye Galaxy, NGC 4826, UGC 8062, PGC 44182
31 images »
M85Galaxy9.1Coma Berenices12h25m+18°11'
NGC 4382, UGC 7508, PGC 40515
9 images »
M88Galaxy10.3Coma Berenices12h31m+14°25'
NGC 4501, UGC 7675, PGC 41517
20 images »
M91Galaxy11.0Coma Berenices12h35m+14°29'
NGC 4548, UGC 7753, PGC 41934
6 images »
M98Galaxy10.8Coma Berenices12h13m+14°53'
NGC 4192, UGC 7231, PGC 39028
11 images »
M99Galaxy9.8Coma Berenices12h18m+14°25'
Coma Pinwheel Galaxy, St Katherine's Wheel, Pinwheel Galaxy, Virgo Cluster Pinwheel Galaxy, NGC 4254, UGC 7345, PGC 39578
26 images »
M100Galaxy9.5Coma Berenices12h22m+15°49'
NGC 4321, UGC 7450, PGC 40153
32 images »
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