The New General Catalogue (NGC) in Hercules

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
NGC 6623Galaxy14.4Hercules18h19m+23°42'
UGC 11203, PGC 61739
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NGC 6627Galaxy13.3Hercules18h22m+15°41'
UGC 11212, PGC 61792
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NGC 6628Galaxy14.7Hercules18h22m+23°28'
UGC 11211, PGC 61790
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NGC 6632Galaxy12.2Hercules18h25m+27°32'
UGC 11226, PGC 61849
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NGC 6635Galaxy13.4Hercules18h27m+14°49'
UGC 11239, PGC 61900
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NGC 6641Galaxy14.2Hercules18h28m+22°54'
UGC 11250, PGC 61935
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NGC 6658Galaxy11.8Hercules18h33m+22°53'
UGC 11274, PGC 62052
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NGC 6659Open clusterHercules18h33m+23°35'
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NGC 6660Galaxy12.4Hercules18h34m+22°54'
UGC 11282, PGC 62072
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NGC 6661Duplicate11.9Hercules18h34m+22°54'
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NGC 6669NebulaHercules18h37m+22°11'
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NGC 6674Galaxy12.1Hercules18h38m+25°22'
UGC 11308, PGC 62178
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NGC 6680Galaxy15.4Hercules18h39m+22°18'
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NGC 6697Galaxy14.5Hercules18h45m+25°30'
UGC 11349, PGC 62354
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