The Principal Galaxies Catalogue in Monoceros

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
PGC 18855GalaxyMonoceros06h20m-08°29'
UGCA 127
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PGC 18893Galaxy15.0Monoceros06h21m+00°21'
UGC 3457
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PGC 18964Galaxy17.0Monoceros06h24m+04°42'
UGC 3459
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PGC 19609Galaxy15.0Monoceros06h47m+05°39'
UGC 3543
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PGC 19700Galaxy17.0Monoceros06h50m+09°39'
UGC 3565
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PGC 19892Galaxy16.5Monoceros06h56m+06°16'
UGC 3607
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PGC 20008Galaxy15.5Monoceros07h01m+01°54'
UGC 3630
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PGC 20027Galaxy16.5Monoceros07h01m+04°55'
UGC 3637
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PGC 20039Galaxy16.0Monoceros07h02m+11°14'
UGC 3641
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PGC 20484Galaxy15.7Monoceros07h14m+00°45'
UGC 3769
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PGC 20948Galaxy14.6Monoceros07h24m-09°39'
NGC 2377, UGCA 132
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PGC 21535Galaxy15.5Monoceros07h40m-01°34'
UGC 3964
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PGC 21704Galaxy15.6Monoceros07h44m-00°21'
UGC 4004
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PGC 22377Galaxy14.3Monoceros07h59m-00°38'
NGC 2494, UGC 4141
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PGC 22400Galaxy16.5Monoceros07h59m-01°39'
UGC 4149
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PGC 22883Galaxy14.5Monoceros08h09m-00°21'
UGC 4253
0 images »
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