The Principal Galaxies Catalogue in Serpens Caput

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
PGC 57302Galaxy14.8Serpens Caput16h09m+08°45'
UGC 10225
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PGC 57338Galaxy17.0Serpens Caput16h09m-00°06'
UGC 10229
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PGC 57345Galaxy11.8Serpens Caput16h09m+00°42'
NGC 6070, UGC 10230
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PGC 57363Galaxy15.1Serpens Caput16h10m+12°49'
UGC 10239
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PGC 57365Galaxy15.1Serpens Caput16h10m+12°18'
UGC 10238
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PGC 57373Galaxy14.5Serpens Caput16h10m+10°02'
IC 1199, UGC 10242
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PGC 57505Galaxy14.9Serpens Caput16h12m-00°05'
UGC 10264
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PGC 57509Galaxy15.6Serpens Caput16h12m+02°10'
NGC 6080, UGC 10268
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PGC 57582Galaxy14.7Serpens Caput16h14m-00°12'
UGC 10288
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PGC 57590Galaxy15.0Serpens Caput16h14m+00°49'
UGC 10290
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PGC 57694Galaxy14.8Serpens Caput16h16m+00°14'
UGC 10306
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PGC 57706Galaxy14.6Serpens Caput16h16m+00°50'
NGC 6100, UGC 10307
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PGC 57856Galaxy14.3Serpens Caput16h20m+02°00'
UGC 10339
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PGC 57924Galaxy11.7Serpens Caput16h21m-02°17'
NGC 6118, UGC 10350
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PGC 57937Galaxy14.2Serpens Caput16h22m-01°30'
NGC 6172, UGC 10352
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