The Principal Galaxies Catalogue in Auriga

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
PGC 16360Galaxy16.0Auriga04h56m+30°03'
UGC 3205
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PGC 16721Galaxy18.0Auriga05h05m+34°00'
UGC 3244
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PGC 16918Galaxy15.2Auriga05h12m+51°17'
UGC 3260
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PGC 17057Galaxy15.2Auriga05h17m+53°32'
UGC 3273
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PGC 17062Galaxy17.0Auriga05h17m+30°26'
UGC 3280
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PGC 17178Galaxy17.0Auriga05h21m+52°50'
UGC 3292
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PGC 17221Galaxy18.0Auriga05h23m+43°33'
UGC 3300
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PGC 17291Galaxy17.0Auriga05h26m+54°23'
UGC 3305
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PGC 17326Galaxy17.0Auriga05h28m+49°57'
UGC 3310
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PGC 17359Galaxy18.0Auriga05h30m+55°52'
UGC 3314
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PGC 17364Galaxy17.0Auriga05h30m+53°21'
UGC 3315
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PGC 17378Galaxy18.0Auriga05h31m+55°49'
UGC 3316
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PGC 17483Galaxy16.5Auriga05h35m+40°53'
UGC 3325
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PGC 17489Galaxy17.0Auriga05h35m+49°46'
UGC 3323
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PGC 17573Galaxy17.0Auriga05h40m+49°21'
UGC 3333
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PGC 17678Galaxy15.5Auriga05h44m+51°12'
UGC 3346
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PGC 17825Galaxy15.6Auriga05h47m+50°52'
UGC 3355
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PGC 17952Galaxy16.0Auriga05h49m+50°23'
UGC 3358
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PGC 17954Galaxy15.7Auriga05h49m+51°05'
UGC 3359
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PGC 17968Galaxy16.5Auriga05h50m+49°42'
UGC 3361
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PGC 18006Galaxy17.0Auriga05h51m+37°54'
UGC 3367
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PGC 18007Galaxy16.5Auriga05h51m+48°38'
UGC 3366
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PGC 18013Galaxy17.0Auriga05h51m+39°49'
UGC 3368
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PGC 18033Galaxy17.0Auriga05h52m+41°47'
UGC 3369
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PGC 18078Galaxy13.9Auriga05h54m+46°26'
UGC 3374
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PGC 18089Galaxy14.6Auriga05h55m+51°54'
UGC 3375
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PGC 18191Galaxy16.0Auriga05h59m+54°25'
UGC 3383
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PGC 18299Galaxy16.5Auriga06h02m+36°06'
UGC 3390
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PGC 18410Galaxy16.5Auriga06h06m+54°42'
UGC 3399
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PGC 18494Galaxy14.6Auriga06h09m+42°05'
UGC 3407
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PGC 18608Galaxy15.7Auriga06h12m+51°31'
UGC 3417
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PGC 18611Galaxy15.0Auriga06h12m+44°26'
UGC 3418
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PGC 18651Galaxy18.0Auriga06h13m+53°06'
UGC 3421
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PGC 18660Galaxy17.0Auriga06h13m+53°06'
UGC 3424
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PGC 18753Galaxy17.0Auriga06h16m+32°13'
UGC 3434
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PGC 18825Galaxy17.0Auriga06h19m+51°25'
UGC 3443
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PGC 18841Galaxy15.6Auriga06h20m+27°58'
UGC 3447
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PGC 18872Galaxy15.7Auriga06h21m+51°06'
UGC 3449
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PGC 18911Galaxy12.6Auriga06h22m+51°54'
NGC 2208, UGC 3452
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PGC 18998Galaxy16.5Auriga06h25m+28°33'
UGC 3462
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PGC 19062Galaxy15.4Auriga06h26m+52°27'
UGC 3465
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PGC 19073Galaxy14.7Auriga06h27m+49°36'
UGC 3467
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PGC 19161Galaxy15.5Auriga06h30m+39°30'
UGC 3475
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PGC 19162Galaxy15.7Auriga06h30m+33°18'
UGC 3476
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PGC 19186Galaxy15.7Auriga06h31m+50°05'
UGC 3477
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PGC 19215Galaxy15.4Auriga06h32m+35°11'
UGC 3479
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PGC 19221Galaxy15.7Auriga06h32m+40°12'
UGC 3481
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PGC 19237Galaxy15.3Auriga06h33m+53°31'
UGC 3480
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PGC 19239Galaxy16.0Auriga06h33m+51°22'
UGC 3483
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PGC 19252Galaxy15.3Auriga06h33m+40°41'
UGC 3487
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PGC 19267Galaxy15.1Auriga06h34m+52°07'
UGC 3488
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PGC 19294Galaxy14.8Auriga06h35m+48°50'
UGC 3493
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PGC 19320Galaxy14.8Auriga06h36m+37°34'
UGC 3499
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PGC 19352Galaxy18.0Auriga06h38m+49°15'
UGC 3501
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PGC 19439Galaxy15.0Auriga06h41m+40°10'
UGC 3510
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PGC 19469Galaxy18.0Auriga06h42m+42°24'
UGC 3512
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PGC 19475Galaxy15.6Auriga06h42m+41°25'
UGC 3513
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PGC 19536Galaxy14.9Auriga06h45m+40°24'
UGC 3525
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PGC 19571Galaxy15.3Auriga06h46m+43°47'
UGC 3532
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PGC 19576Galaxy14.7Auriga06h46m+43°49'
UGC 3535
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PGC 19612Galaxy14.9Auriga06h47m+47°39'
UGC 3538
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PGC 19697Galaxy14.7Auriga06h50m+43°03'
UGC 3554
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PGC 19736Galaxy18.0Auriga06h51m+41°46'
UGC 3566
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PGC 19744Galaxy14.2Auriga06h51m+48°29'
UGC 3567
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PGC 19764Galaxy16.5Auriga06h52m+49°41'
UGC 3572
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PGC 19794Galaxy15.7Auriga06h53m+47°10'
UGC 3579
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PGC 19829Galaxy14.9Auriga06h54m+45°42'
UGC 3588
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PGC 19855Galaxy15.1Auriga06h55m+40°20'
UGC 3592
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PGC 19856Galaxy14.7Auriga06h55m+40°57'
UGC 3593
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PGC 19869Galaxy13.5Auriga06h55m+39°45'
UGC 3596
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PGC 19871Galaxy18.0Auriga06h55m+39°05'
UGC 3600
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PGC 19874Galaxy15.2Auriga06h55m+47°55'
UGC 3597
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PGC 19875Galaxy14.5Auriga06h55m+40°00'
UGC 3601
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PGC 19891Galaxy14.0Auriga06h56m+45°29'
NGC 2303, UGC 3603
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PGC 19927Galaxy14.2Auriga06h57m+39°05'
UGC 3612
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PGC 19933Galaxy15.4Auriga06h57m+35°44'
UGC 3615
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PGC 19981Galaxy15.0Auriga06h59m+35°27'
UGC 3623
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PGC 19998Galaxy18.0Auriga07h00m+38°38'
UGC 3628
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PGC 20019Galaxy16.5Auriga07h01m+42°38'
UGC 3629
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PGC 20050Galaxy15.1Auriga07h02m+37°07'
UGC 3640
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PGC 20096Galaxy15.5Auriga07h04m+37°41'
UGC 3650
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PGC 20151Galaxy16.0Auriga07h06m+39°10'
UGC 3667
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PGC 20267Galaxy15.4Auriga07h09m+36°17'
UGC 3703
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PGC 20302Galaxy16.0Auriga07h10m+39°44'
UGC 3716
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PGC 20313Galaxy15.2Auriga07h10m+39°43'
UGC 3718
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PGC 20366Galaxy15.5Auriga07h11m+39°34'
UGC 3729
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PGC 20380Galaxy15.2Auriga07h12m+41°46'
UGC 3732
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PGC 20432Galaxy16.0Auriga07h13m+35°39'
UGC 3743
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PGC 20462Galaxy15.5Auriga07h14m+35°23'
UGC 3756
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PGC 20492Galaxy16.0Auriga07h15m+38°08'
UGC 3761
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PGC 20545Galaxy17.0Auriga07h16m+39°46'
UGC 3773
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PGC 20799GalaxyAuriga07h21m+35°44'
UGC 3811
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PGC 20859Galaxy15.0Auriga07h22m+41°39'
UGC 3818
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PGC 20886Galaxy15.0Auriga07h23m+37°27'
UGC 3822
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PGC 20900Galaxy15.3Auriga07h23m+41°26'
UGC 3825
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PGC 20976Galaxy15.1Auriga07h25m+36°41'
UGC 3837
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PGC 21014Galaxy14.3Auriga07h26m+43°17'
UGC 3844
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PGC 21073Galaxy15.5Auriga07h28m+40°46'
UGC 3860
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PGC 21104Galaxy17.0Auriga07h28m+40°12'
UGC 3868
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PGC 21119Galaxy14.9Auriga07h29m+42°16'
UGC 3871
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