The Uppsala General Catalog of galaxies (UGC) in Perseus

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
UGC 2915Galaxy17.0Perseus03h59m+32°36'
PGC 14246
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UGC 2920Galaxy15.3Perseus04h00m+35°00'
PGC 14276
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UGC 2932Galaxy18.0Perseus04h02m+33°52'
PGC 14348
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UGC 2934Galaxy17.0Perseus04h03m+31°03'
PGC 14353
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UGC 2937Galaxy16.0Perseus04h03m+46°43'
PGC 14386
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UGC 2939Galaxy17.0Perseus04h04m+46°13'
PGC 14395
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UGC 2944Galaxy17.0Perseus04h04m+33°17'
PGC 14418
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UGC 2945Galaxy15.2Perseus04h04m+33°48'
PGC 14420
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UGC 2950Galaxy17.0Perseus04h05m+31°01'
PGC 14435
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UGC 2952Galaxy16.0Perseus04h05m+37°03'
PGC 14455
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UGC 2956Galaxy17.0Perseus04h06m+31°16'
PGC 14468
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UGC 2957Galaxy16.0Perseus04h06m+37°06'
IC 2027, PGC 14473
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UGC 2959Galaxy16.0Perseus04h07m+34°26'
PGC 14483
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UGC 2967Galaxy17.0Perseus04h09m+36°59'
PGC 14572
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UGC 2971Galaxy16.5Perseus04h09m+37°00'
PGC 14579
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UGC 2972Galaxy17.0Perseus04h09m+36°31'
PGC 14584
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UGC 2978Galaxy17.0Perseus04h12m+34°54'
PGC 14650
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UGC 2981Galaxy18.0Perseus04h12m+36°53'
PGC 14662
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UGC 2990Galaxy16.5Perseus04h13m+31°26'
PGC 14703
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UGC 2991Galaxy16.5Perseus04h14m+36°50'
PGC 14709
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UGC 2993Galaxy17.0Perseus04h14m+35°10'
PGC 14725
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UGC 3000Galaxy16.0Perseus04h17m+36°17'
PGC 14812
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UGC 3007Galaxy17.0Perseus04h18m+33°46'
PGC 14834
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UGC 3016Galaxy17.0Perseus04h21m+36°45'
PGC 14937
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UGC 3019Galaxy17.0Perseus04h21m+36°43'
PGC 14951
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UGC 3021Galaxy17.0Perseus04h21m+36°07'
PGC 14959
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UGC 3028Galaxy16.0Perseus04h24m+33°52'
PGC 15047
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UGC 3040Galaxy18.0Perseus04h26m+35°12'
PGC 15087
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UGC 3047Galaxy17.0Perseus04h27m+32°37'
PGC 15134
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UGC 3050Galaxy18.0Perseus04h27m+30°56'
PGC 15147
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UGC 3052Galaxy16.0Perseus04h28m+39°37'
PGC 15197
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UGC 3078Galaxy17.0Perseus04h32m+33°13'
PGC 15461
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UGC 3098Galaxy17.0Perseus04h37m+43°56'
PGC 15652
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UGC 3108Galaxy18.0Perseus04h38m+44°02'
PGC 15708
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UGC 3120Galaxy17.0Perseus04h40m+40°15'
PGC 15788
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UGC 3139Galaxy17.0Perseus04h43m+40°07'
PGC 15892
0 images »
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