The Uppsala General Catalog of galaxies (UGC) in Pisces

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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Other names Number of
UGC 513Galaxy15.7Pisces00h50m+11°42'
PGC 2934
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UGC 515Galaxy17.0Pisces00h50m+12°05'
PGC 2946
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UGC 516Galaxy15.3Pisces00h50m+10°36'
IC 53, PGC 2951
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UGC 517Galaxy15.7Pisces00h50m+11°21'
PGC 2952
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UGC 518Galaxy15.2Pisces00h50m+30°09'
PGC 2960
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UGC 520Galaxy17.0Pisces00h51m+17°44'
PGC 2990
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UGC 521Galaxy15.4Pisces00h51m+12°01'
PGC 2992
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UGC 524Galaxy14.5Pisces00h51m+29°24'
PGC 3019
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UGC 525Galaxy15.5Pisces00h51m+29°42'
PGC 3020
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UGC 526Galaxy16.5Pisces00h51m+03°10'
PGC 3024
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UGC 527Galaxy16.0Pisces00h51m+03°06'
PGC 3031
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UGC 529Galaxy14.3Pisces00h52m+29°40'
PGC 3057
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UGC 533Galaxy15.4Pisces00h52m+14°31'
PGC 3072
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UGC 535Galaxy15.5Pisces00h52m+26°07'
PGC 3075
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UGC 536Galaxy16.5Pisces00h52m+29°12'
PGC 3081
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UGC 537Galaxy18.0Pisces00h52m+06°00'
PGC 3082
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UGC 538Galaxy15.7Pisces00h52m+06°03'
PGC 3087
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UGC 540Galaxy14.1Pisces00h52m+29°01'
PGC 3108
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UGC 542Galaxy14.8Pisces00h53m+29°16'
PGC 3133
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UGC 543Galaxy15.4Pisces00h53m+05°46'
IC 1592, PGC 3139
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UGC 544Galaxy15.7Pisces00h53m+02°55'
PGC 3147
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UGC 545Galaxy14.3Pisces00h53m+12°41'
Mrk 1502, PGC 3151
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UGC 546Galaxy15.7Pisces00h53m+18°05'
PGC 3157
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UGC 547Galaxy15.3Pisces00h53m+24°46'
PGC 3171
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UGC 548Galaxy14.8Pisces00h54m+31°39'
PGC 3203
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UGC 550Galaxy15.0Pisces00h54m+21°31'
IC 1596, PGC 3219
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UGC 553Galaxy15.0Pisces00h54m+05°46'
IC 1598, Mrk 962, PGC 3217
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UGC 554Galaxy15.6Pisces00h54m+28°43'
PGC 3226
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UGC 555Galaxy14.9Pisces00h54m+28°52'
PGC 3227
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UGC 556Galaxy15.3Pisces00h54m+29°14'
PGC 3235
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UGC 557Galaxy14.9Pisces00h54m+31°21'
PGC 3222
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UGC 558Galaxy15.7Pisces00h54m+10°32'
PGC 3225
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UGC 559Galaxy15.5Pisces00h54m+11°50'
IC 57, PGC 3229
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UGC 560Galaxy18.0Pisces00h54m+13°39'
PGC 3232
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UGC 561Galaxy16.0Pisces00h54m+30°48'
PGC 3247
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UGC 562Galaxy12.3Pisces00h55m+31°32'
NGC 296, PGC 3260
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UGC 565Galaxy15.4Pisces00h55m+31°40'
PGC 3274
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UGC 566Galaxy15.7Pisces00h55m+31°43'
PGC 3269
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UGC 567Galaxy14.9Pisces00h55m+31°44'
PGC 3271
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UGC 569Galaxy16.5Pisces00h55m+09°26'
PGC 3268
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UGC 571Galaxy15.4Pisces00h55m+12°07'
PGC 3313
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UGC 572Galaxy15.6Pisces00h56m+14°13'
PGC 3314
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UGC 574Galaxy17.0Pisces00h56m+04°24'
PGC 3322
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UGC 575Galaxy16.5Pisces00h56m+31°04'
PGC 3332
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UGC 580Galaxy16.0Pisces00h56m+13°51'
PGC 3348
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UGC 581Galaxy16.0Pisces00h56m+11°51'
PGC 3361
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UGC 582Galaxy16.5Pisces00h56m+13°52'
PGC 3355
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UGC 585Galaxy16.0Pisces00h56m+27°00'
PGC 3378
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UGC 586Galaxy16.5Pisces00h57m+07°19'
PGC 3397
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UGC 589Galaxy15.2Pisces00h57m+07°30'
IC 61, PGC 3408
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UGC 590Galaxy15.7Pisces00h57m+14°54'
PGC 3409
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UGC 592Galaxy13.0Pisces00h57m+30°16'
NGC 311, PGC 3434
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UGC 596Galaxy15.6Pisces00h57m+08°05'
PGC 3447
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UGC 597Galaxy11.6Pisces00h57m+30°21'
NGC 315, PGC 3455
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UGC 598Galaxy14.4Pisces00h57m+31°29'
PGC 3456
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UGC 601Galaxy13.3Pisces00h58m+26°51'
NGC 326, PGC 3482
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UGC 603Galaxy15.5Pisces00h58m+11°33'
PGC 3490
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UGC 605Galaxy16.0Pisces00h58m+22°19'
PGC 3499
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UGC 606Galaxy15.0Pisces00h58m+11°48'
IC 62, PGC 3507
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UGC 607Galaxy15.4Pisces00h58m+12°44'
PGC 3508
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UGC 609Galaxy14.8Pisces00h58m+07°06'
NGC 332, PGC 3511
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UGC 610Galaxy14.8Pisces00h58m+12°58'
PGC 3513
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UGC 612Galaxy14.5Pisces00h59m+23°51'
PGC 3527
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UGC 613Galaxy14.0Pisces00h59m+27°03'
IC 64, PGC 3550
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UGC 615Galaxy14.2Pisces00h59m+15°19'
PGC 3563
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UGC 616Galaxy15.5Pisces00h59m+18°50'
PGC 3558
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UGC 617Galaxy15.2Pisces00h59m+18°00'
PGC 3565
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UGC 619Galaxy16.5Pisces00h59m+14°43'
PGC 3569
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UGC 620Galaxy16.0Pisces01h00m+17°59'
PGC 3588
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UGC 621Galaxy15.5Pisces01h00m+18°16'
PGC 3598
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UGC 623Galaxy14.1Pisces01h00m+30°47'
IC 66, PGC 3606
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UGC 624Galaxy12.7Pisces01h00m+30°40'
NGC 338, PGC 3611
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UGC 627Galaxy15.2Pisces01h01m+13°28'
PGC 3636
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UGC 628Galaxy17.0Pisces01h00m+19°28'
PGC 3639
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UGC 629Galaxy14.9Pisces01h01m+29°36'
PGC 3646
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UGC 630Galaxy17.0Pisces01h01m+29°56'
PGC 3644
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UGC 631Galaxy16.0Pisces01h01m+09°43'
PGC 3643
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UGC 632Galaxy14.8Pisces01h01m+30°07'
PGC 3651
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UGC 633Galaxy14.6Pisces01h01m+31°30'
PGC 3664
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UGC 634Galaxy15.7Pisces01h01m+07°37'
PGC 3667
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UGC 636Galaxy14.7Pisces01h01m+24°03'
PGC 3680
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UGC 637Galaxy16.0Pisces01h01m+03°04'
PGC 3688
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UGC 638Galaxy15.7Pisces01h02m+26°57'
PGC 3697
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UGC 640Galaxy15.7Pisces01h02m+09°05'
PGC 3709
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UGC 643Galaxy15.7Pisces01h03m+24°58'
PGC 3752
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UGC 644Galaxy14.5Pisces01h03m+14°02'
PGC 3764
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UGC 645Galaxy14.2Pisces01h03m+22°20'
NGC 354, Mrk 353, PGC 3763
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UGC 646Galaxy15.0Pisces01h03m+32°14'
PGC 3773
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UGC 649Galaxy15.7Pisces01h03m+06°24'
PGC 3779
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UGC 650Galaxy16.0Pisces01h03m+08°34'
PGC 3780
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UGC 652Galaxy17.0Pisces01h03m+22°01'
PGC 3784
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UGC 653Galaxy16.5Pisces01h03m+31°11'
PGC 3787
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UGC 654Galaxy15.0Pisces01h03m+21°13'
PGC 3791
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UGC 657Galaxy17.0Pisces01h03m+32°57'
PGC 3798
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UGC 659Galaxy15.5Pisces01h04m+18°41'
PGC 3821
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UGC 660Galaxy18.0Pisces01h04m+06°38'
PGC 3819
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UGC 664Galaxy16.0Pisces01h04m+09°52'
PGC 3831
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UGC 667Galaxy17.0Pisces01h04m+05°39'
PGC 3838
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UGC 669Galaxy15.7Pisces01h05m+31°40'
PGC 3866
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UGC 671Galaxy15.6Pisces01h05m+32°24'
IC 1618, PGC 3899
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