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Showing results 201 to 250 of 6176.


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Name Type Mag Constellation Right
Declination Number of
X-Oph Star 7.9 Ophiuchus 18h38m21s+08°50'02"0 images »
NGC6572 Planetary nebula 8.1 Ophiuchus 18h12m+06°51'1 image »
NGC6356 Globular cluster 8.2 Ophiuchus 17h23m-17°48'1 image »
NGC6293 Globular cluster 8.3 Ophiuchus 17h10m-26°34'0 images »
NGC6304 Globular cluster 8.3 Ophiuchus 17h14m-29°27'0 images »
NGC6355 Globular cluster 8.6 Ophiuchus 17h23m-26°21'1 image »
NGC6235 Globular cluster 8.9 Ophiuchus 16h53m-22°10'0 images »
NGC6284 Globular cluster 8.9 Ophiuchus 17h04m-24°45'0 images »
NGC6316 Globular cluster 9.0 Ophiuchus 17h16m-28°08'0 images »
NGC6287 Globular cluster 9.3 Ophiuchus 17h05m-22°42'0 images »
VdB 110 Nebula 9.4 Ophiuchus 17h16m-21°01'0 images »
NGC6366 Globular cluster 9.5 Ophiuchus 17h27m-05°04'0 images »
Collinder 331 Open cluster 9.5 Ophiuchus 17h28m-29°29'0 images »
VdB 112 Nebula 9.6 Ophiuchus 17h53m-05°37'0 images »
Barnard's-Star Star 9.6 Ophiuchus 17h57m47s+04°44'21"6 images »
43 Ariadne Asteroid 9.9 Ophiuchus 17h01m-25°17'0 images »
NGC6342 Globular cluster 10.0 Ophiuchus 17h21m-19°35'1 image »
NGC6517 Globular cluster 10.3 Ophiuchus 18h01m-08°57'0 images »
NGC6384 Galaxy 10.6 Ophiuchus 17h32m+07°03'2 images »
NGC6325 Globular cluster 10.7 Ophiuchus 17h17m-23°45'2 images »
NGC6401 Globular cluster 10.7 Ophiuchus 17h38m-23°54'0 images »
NGC6426 Globular cluster 10.9 Ophiuchus 17h44m+03°10'0 images »
IC4634 Planetary nebula 10.9 Ophiuchus 17h01m-21°49'0 images »
TYC-6218-11-1 Star 11.3 Ophiuchus 16h55m28s-16°51'50"0 images »
NGC6369 Planetary nebula 11.4 Ophiuchus 17h29m-23°45'1 image »
NGC6309 Planetary nebula 11.5 Ophiuchus 17h14m-12°54'2 images »
Collinder 329 Open cluster 11.7 Ophiuchus 17h24m-30°00'0 images »
TYC-1016-1422-1 Star 11.9 Ophiuchus 18h03m05s+11°53'14"0 images »
219 Thusnelda Asteroid 12.7 Ophiuchus 17h44m-09°15'0 images »
NGC6570 Galaxy 12.7 Ophiuchus 18h11m+14°05'0 images »
179 Klytaemnestra Asteroid 12.9 Ophiuchus 17h01m-23°22'1 image »
631 Philippina Asteroid 13.0 Ophiuchus 17h10m-10°56'0 images »
396 Aeolia Asteroid 13.2 Ophiuchus 16h38m-22°38'0 images »
NGC6240 Galaxy 13.3 Ophiuchus 16h52m+02°24'0 images »
NGC6509 Galaxy 13.3 Ophiuchus 17h59m+06°17'0 images »
53 Kalypso Asteroid 13.4 Ophiuchus 16h37m-14°30'0 images »
489 Comacina Asteroid 13.4 Ophiuchus 16h59m-04°09'0 images »
618 Elfriede Asteroid 13.5 Ophiuchus 16h52m-05°00'1 image »
NGC6368 Galaxy 13.6 Ophiuchus 17h27m+11°32'0 images »
824 Anastasia Asteroid 13.6 Ophiuchus 16h15m-07°41'0 images »
UGC 11057 Galaxy 13.8 Ophiuchus 17h57m+12°10'0 images »
585 Bilkis Asteroid 13.8 Ophiuchus 16h45m-10°52'0 images »
747 Winchester Asteroid 13.9 Ophiuchus 17h52m-05°01'1 image »
483 Seppina Asteroid 13.9 Ophiuchus 18h05m+01°18'0 images »
791 Ani Asteroid 13.9 Ophiuchus 16h27m+01°08'0 images »
449 Hamburga Asteroid 14.0 Ophiuchus 17h25m-22°01'0 images »
732 Tjilaki Asteroid 14.1 Ophiuchus 17h21m-05°28'0 images »
IC1255 Galaxy 14.2 Ophiuchus 17h23m+12°41'0 images »
NGC6296 Galaxy 14.2 Ophiuchus 17h08m+03°53'0 images »
1197 Rhodesia Asteroid 14.2 Ophiuchus 17h36m-24°20'0 images »
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