Observation by Alan Kennedy: two pane mosaic of Luna Sinus Iridum and...

Uploaded by

Alan Kennedy


Alan Kennedy


2012 Sep 09 - 22:02


2019 Sep 27 - 13:36


The Moon

  • Philips SPC800NC flashed to SPC900NC
  • Old 8" orange tube Celestron SCT
  • at prime focus
  • on a NEQ6 mount

250 frames


County Durham

Target name

Luna Sinus Iridum and Mare Imbrium


two pane mosaic of Luna Sinus Iridum and Mare Imbrium

About this image

one of my first digital images

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Jeremy Shears
Jeremy Shears, 2019 Sep 27 - 16:32 UTC

Welcome to the BAA, Alan, and welcome to BAA Members Pages. Great to have you on board!

Alan Kennedy
Alan Kennedy, 2019 Sep 29 - 23:05 UTC

Thank you. When we get some dry clear weather I hope to make more observations.

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