Observation by Alex Pratt: Video photometry of Near-Earth Asteroid ...

Uploaded by

Alex Pratt


Alex Pratt


2017 Apr 18 - 23:00


2017 Apr 28 - 17:20


2014 JO25

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 22h44m
Dec: -46°51'
Position angle: +9°40'

Field size

0°09' × 0°05'

  • C11 f/10 @ f/3.3
  • Watec 910 video camera
  • IOTA-VTI GPS time inserter
  • Tangra software

0.32s, 0.16s and 0.08s integrations



Target name

Asteroid 2014 JO25


Video photometry of Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 JO25

About this image

During the nights of April 18/19, 19/20 and 20/21 I was able to take advantage of interludes of clear sky to record 30 videos of the flyby of this Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA).

A sample 20MB video clip is available here. (The asteroid is just below the centre of the field, moving towards the top right).

The light curve from April 18/19 shows the R magnitude of the Apollo asteroid derived from video data. The black line is the predicted V magnitude from the MPC ephemeris. It steadily increased in apparent brightness as it neared the Earth. The dip to mag 14 - 14.5 is most likely spurious, caused by intermittent haze / thin cloud. 

The latest radar data shows the rotation of the peanut-shaped asteroid. It will be interesting to see if other observers confirm the sinusoidal variations in the light curve or if they are artefacts caused by the variable sky conditions.

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