Observation by Gary Poyner: 4 Vesta 2016-17

Uploaded by

Gary Poyner


Gary Poyner


2017 May 06 - 12:30


2017 May 06 - 12:41


4 Vesta

  • 10x50B
  • 12x60F

Birmingham, UK

Target name

4 Vesta


4 Vesta 2016-17

About this image

A good time to observe Vesta, with oppostion well placed in Gemini at the turn of the year.

First observations were made leaning out of the bedroom window pre-dawn in early September 2016.  

Vesta peaked at magnitude 6.1 on Jan 12.8UT 2017, with a 120d rise of two magnitudes to peak brighness at opposition. The decline has been slightly steeper - 111d to fade two magnitudes to 8.1 in early May 2017.

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