Observation by Mike Olason: M110 and C/2016 N4 Master

Uploaded by

Mike Olason


Mike Olason


2017 Jun 29 - 08:58


2017 Jul 07 - 07:00



  • 11" SCT f/6.4
  • STF-8300M



Denver Colorado

Target name

C/2016 N4 Master


M110 and C/2016 N4 Master

About this image

Comet C/2016 N4 Master on it's 3rd night of crossing in front of the background glow of M31. Due to it being cloudy the next night when N4 made it's close approach to M110 this was the best image of the comet and M110 that was captured. The comet was in the western region of M31 just above the double nucleus of M31.

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Jeremy Shears
Jeremy Shears, 2017 Jul 07 - 08:52 UTC

Hello Mike,

I have really been enjoying following the passage of N4 acRoss M31 the last few days. 

Thanks for sharing your interesting project with us.

Kind regards


Mike Olason
Mike Olason, 2017 Jul 10 - 07:44 UTC

Thank you for your kind comments. I was very fortunate to have clear skies and calm winds on the mornings of June 28 and 29. It would have been nice to get an image of N4 at it's close approach to M110 on June 30 but the clouds were to thick. Very lucky to get the images on the mornings when N4 was within the FOV of M31, M32 and M110. I did take a 30 minute RGB (3.9 degree x 2.6 degree) image, but the comet was to dim to detect in that image.

Cheers, Mike

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