Observation by Alan Snook: C/2016 R2 PanSTARRS

Uploaded by

Alan Snook


Alan Snook


2017 Dec 18 - 21:55


2017 Dec 20 - 20:14



  • 0.5m f4.1 Dobsonian
  • 17mm & 8mm Ethos eyepieces x120 & x260


Target name

Comet C/2016 R2 PanSTARRS


C/2016 R2 PanSTARRS

About this image

Located in Taurus about 6 degrees S of Aldebaren.  Drawing shows position at 21.55 UT (a) and 1 hour later 22.55 UT (b).

Co-ordinates estimated from Megastar are:

            (a)        4h 40.4m   +10º 19.7’ and    (b)        4h 40.3m   +10º 20.4’

Seen as a round glow, very weakly condensed, say 2 or 3 on the standard DC scale. No sign of a nucleus or a tail. Tried the 8mm Ethos giving x260 but the view is better with the 17mm.

The comet could be held with direct vision most of the time. I judge it is mag 13 to 14.

Motion observed over one hour is very slow, heading a shade E of N.

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