Observation by Bill W: Solar spectrum magnesium triplet

Uploaded by

Bill Ward


Bill W


2019 Aug 17 - 14:42


2019 Aug 17 - 14:52


The Sun


Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Target name

Solar spectrum, magnesium triplet


Solar spectrum magnesium triplet

About this image

My whole interest in "astrophysics" began with solar spectroscopy 40 years ago when I tried to built a prominence scope. That did not prove successful, just as well as I'd probably have blinded myself... but I have been fascinated by spectroscopy ever since.

This image was taken with a home make spectroscope designed for solar observing, yonks ago. 150mm mirror, 500mm focal length as the collimator with a 2400 lines per mm grating. Slit width was as narrow as I could get with two razor blades and still see light, very scientific but I was delighted it worked! Image videoed with a colour cctv camera.

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