Observation by David Swan: First (imaging) light of new scope

Uploaded by

David Swan


David Swan


2021 Jan 12 - 19:47


2021 Jan 13 - 19:55


The Caroline's Rose (NGC7789)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 23h57m
Dec: +56°44'
Position angle: -172°51'

Field size

2°44' × 1°51'

  • 200mm RASA
  • iOptron AZ Mount Pro
  • ASI294MC

50 x 10s


Tynemouth, UK

Target name

Caroline's Rose


First (imaging) light of new scope

About this image

I slipped on ice a few weeks back while carrying my scope and the corrector plate smashed quite spectacularly (and expensively). My new RASA arrived recently, and I now think I've got the sensor spacing about right.

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Jeremy Shears
Jeremy Shears, 2021 Jan 13 - 20:34 UTC

Sorry to hear about the accident David, but good to see you are back in action

Nick James
Nick James, 2021 Jan 14 - 17:42 UTC

Ouch! A good excuse for an upgrade though. 

David Swan
David Swan, 2021 Jan 14 - 18:34 UTC

Thanks Jeremy and Nick. I look forward to doing a bit more astro over the coming weeks and months!

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