Observation by Ronan Newman : Comet Neowise over Galway City

Uploaded by

Ronan Newman


Ronan Newman


2020 Jul 11 - 00:14


2021 Feb 21 - 08:54


C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
Noctilucent cloud

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 07h13m
Dec: +42°37'
Position angle: +7°55'

Field size

27° × 15°

  • Canon 5d MkII

F6.3 ISO 1000 8 Seconda


Galway City

Target name

Comet Neowise


Comet Neowise over Galway City

About this image

How long we have waited for a bright comet, One of the few clear nights last July and i wanted to get a photo of the comet over the city. I ended up on the top floor of the Jury's Inn multi story car park. It was a good location with the Cathedral being one premier landmarks of the city in the foreground. An NLC display was just starting which became one of the most luminous and photographed Type 5 displays ever with Comet Neowise just above it,  Thanks for reading

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