Observation by Martina McGovern: Markarian’s Chain: M84, M86, NGC ...

Uploaded by

Martina McGovern


Martina McGovern


2021 Jan 25 - 23:30


2021 Mar 16 - 23:00



Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 12h27m
Dec: +13°00'
Position angle: -41°17'

Field size

1°15' × 1°47'

  • SharpStar 100Q II (Focal length 580mm, Focal Ratio f/5.8) refractor
  • SkyWatcher HEQ5 PRO (Belt mod)
  • ZWO ASI294MC Pro, main camera
  • ZWO ASIAir Pro, ZWO EAF (Electronic Automatic Focuser)
  • ZWO 50mm Guide scope, ZWO ASI120MM mini, Guide camera
  • Optolong L-Pro Broadband filter

Total exposure time; Approx 4hrs of data with L-Pro; Subs of mainly 300sec & 180sec with a few 600sec + Darks, Flats & Dark flats. Main Cam Gain 225, Camera T -15C


Near Cambridge city UK, Bortle approx 4

Target name

Markarian’s Chain M84, M86, NGC 4438 etc


Markarian’s Chain: M84, M86, NGC 4438 etc

About this image

This is part of the Markarian’s chain, in Virgo – so many galaxies – what a beautiful region of the sky. Many of the galaxies you can see in this image are approx 50 million Light years away, M84 is 60MLyrs….. A few are 65MLyrs e.g. NGC 4388 & IC 3349.


I have been working on this one for nearly 2 months (weather and Moon are the limiting issues) – so far it is only 4hrs of data. I want to image it again but with a wider FOV when I get more pocket money :) Or learn how to do mosaics.


Processing; Deep sky stacker, PixInsight with final tweaks in Photoshop and Topaz DeNoise.

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Martin Lewis
Martin Lewis, 2021 Mar 17 - 13:02 UTC

Wonderful image Martina. If you can match the processing with a further neighbouring image Microsoft ICE does a great job of the stitch together - it's seamless


Callum Potter
Callum Potter, 2021 Mar 17 - 14:35 UTC

Nice image Martina - always a favourite for the spring months, well done on the early start.

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