Observation by Martina McGovern: M82 Cigar galaxy

Uploaded by

Martina McGovern


Martina McGovern


2021 May 15 - 18:19


2021 May 15 - 18:19



Planetarium overlay


Ursa Major

Field centre

RA: 09h55m
Dec: +69°40'
Position angle: -98°19'

Field size

0°29' × 0°20'

  • Celestron Edge HD 8” on HEQ5 PRO, ZWO ASI294MC Pro, ASIAir Pro, EAF & 60mm guide scope + ASI120MM mini & Optolong L-Pro & L-eXt filters

Approx 7hrs of data. Subs of 120sec x ~150 (all L-Pro), 180sec x ~30(mainly L-eXt) & 5 off 300sec L-eXt + Darks, Flats & Dark flats. Main Cam Gain 225 L-Pro & 300 L-eXt, Camera T -15C.


Near Cambridge city UK, Bortle approx 4

Target name

M82 Cigar galaxy


M82 Cigar galaxy

About this image

This one is imaged over 4 nights, 21st, 22nd, 30th Apr & 1st May21

I’m finding it difficult to get the red/orange bursting out of the galaxy, any advice for next time is very welcome.


Processing; Deep sky stacker, PixInsight with final tweaks in Photoshop and Topaz DeNoise.

Clear skies.

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Philip Jennings
Philip Jennings, 2021 May 16 - 10:51 UTC

Wow! That's a beauty.

Peter Tickner
Peter Tickner, 2021 May 16 - 21:48 UTC

Looks about right for a colour camera image, the red comes out more strongly with any narrowband in H Alpha using a mono camera

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