Observation by Mike Greenhill-Hooper: ISS transiting the sun

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Mike Greenhill-Hooper


Mike Greenhill-Hooper


2021 Aug 09 - 10:56


2021 Aug 11 - 14:37


The Sun

  • 80mm refractor with Baader ASBF 70 AstroSolar Filter on NEQ6 mount
  • ZWO ASI224MC camera with ND and IR/uv cut filter

SharpCap 0.133ms, gain 291, ~150fps


Urdens, Le Gers, SW France

Target name

ISS / sun


ISS transiting the sun

About this image

I have been hoping to capture ISS solar transit for a while then along came this opportunity - predicted centre line distance just 10km from home, 4 star opportunity according to "transit-finder.com".  I drove to the location the day before and spied a possible site to set up my scope.  On the day I arrived 1h30m before the event, driving off the main road down a dirt track surrounded by farmland and a small lake, used for farmland irrigation.  I was lucky enough to encounter the farmer that owned the land and once I explained that I had not come to fish in his lake, he agreed (although rather bemused!) that I could park up and set up my scope.  I recorded the event using the open hatch of the car as support for my computer and as a shade from the midday sun.  A few details of the pass: Sun's altitude: 57.4 degrees, ISS angular size: 55.54" (497.5km distance), transit time ~0.6 seconds (7.39km/s).  Processed the video using PIPP to extract the individual 100 frames showing the transit, stacked every 4th frame to make a composite, then blended this with a sharpened image of the sun's disk taken just before the transit (best 10% of 5000 frames stacked using AutoStakkert and RegiStax 6).  The next file is a GIF created by PIPP of the event (if it displays properly!).

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