Observation by Grant Privett: Horsehead

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Grant Privett


Grant Privett


2011 Mar 07 - 21:00


2021 Aug 20 - 21:17


The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33)

  • 250mm f/4.3 Newtonian

12x 360s



Target name

Horsehead Nebula



About this image

While looking for an instance of a field ruined by satellite trails I chanced upon this. The Horsehead nebula created from several 360s exposures. Several of which had satellites in - its not far from the GEO satellite belt. It was one of my early attempts at autoguiding and it worked quite well.

No, its not colour, but I must admit to quite liking it that way. Could possibly have done with 3x that number of images to quieten the image noise, but it wasn't exactly a modern camera when I bought it second hand in 2003.

Its lovely object no matter how you image it. Glad to have once seen it visually with an 18" thanks to Gavin and Loz at Guildford soc for that night.


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