Observation by Richard Sargent: NGC 4490 The Cocoon Galaxy

Uploaded by

Richard Sargent


Richard Sargent


2022 Mar 15 - 00:10


2022 Mar 15 - 20:46


The Cocoon Galaxy (NGC4490)

Planetarium overlay


Canes Venatici

Field centre

RA: 12h30m
Dec: +41°40'
Position angle: -4°07'

Field size

0°19' × 0°15'

  • C14 at f7 and Atik 460EX camera

60 x 1 minute exposures

Target name

NGC 4490


NGC 4490 The Cocoon Galaxy

About this image

NGC 4490 also referred to as the Cocoon Galaxy is found in the constellation of Canes Venatici and at a distance of 25 million light years. It is interacting with the nearby galaxy NGC 4485. The pair are included as Arp 269 in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies.

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