Observation by Kevin Gurney: Near and far

Uploaded by

Kevin Gurney


Kevin Gurney


2022 Sep 06 - 23:26


2022 Sep 11 - 12:39


UGC 10214

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 16h06m
Dec: +55°25'
Position angle: -0°51'

Field size

0°14' × 0°09'

  • Fornax 102
  • Celestron C11 Edge HD
  • ZWO ASI1600MM pro
  • Atik EFW2
  • Baader LRGB Filters

16x300s LUM, 4x300s Red, 5x300s Blue, 5x300s Green


Charente, France

Target name

Arp 188


Near and far

About this image

Arp 188 is (another) challenging member of the Arp catalogue of peculiar galaxies. This galaxy shows a long tail - hence it is  sometimes known as the 'tadpole'. One theory is that the tail is the remnant of a pair of galaxies in a cosmic collision. In any case it's very faint but is, I think, just visible here.

Alongside it is the bright (mag 8.35) foreground star  - HD145223. ARP 188 is over 400 million  light years (LY) away.
It's visual stellar companion is a mere 850 LY distant. Most shots of ARP 188 crop out this star, but I like seeing these different distance scales in play....

Acquired in Voyager, processed in PI. 2.5 hrs total exposure in LRGB.

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