Observation by Mazin Younis: Eclipse in Manchester

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Mazin Younis


Mazin Younis


2022 Oct 25 - 11:53


2022 Oct 25 - 11:58


The Sun

  • Celestron AsttoMaster 130eq

Hale Barnes, Manchester


Eclipse in Manchester

About this image

It was much more lively and colourful to photograph the partial eclipse today in this very basic method.

I had a 2 hours live broadcast for all the eclipse, beginning to end, aimed at the Arab world, which was watched by 51k viewers:


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Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas, 2022 Oct 25 - 14:15 UTC

Hi Mazin. Can you tell me what material you are using for your back projection screen? I am still looking for a really satisfactory material. Are you happy with it? Thanks - Alan

Mazin Younis
Mazin Younis, 2022 Oct 25 - 14:48 UTC

Hi Alan, as a matter of fact I just used a normal A4 bond paper. I advised all the followers of my Facebook page to adopt this simple and safe method which proved very successful even with the most basic telescope :)

Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas, 2022 Oct 25 - 16:42 UTC

Thanks Mazin. I have found that with paper the imperfections show up and can be confused with sunspots. Maybe I haven't used a high enough grade - probably just my fairly ordinary printer paper. I'll try again.

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