Observation by Alex Pratt: 20221214_015626 - a Geminid fireball

Uploaded by

Alex Pratt


Alex Pratt


2022 Dec 14 - 01:56


2022 Dec 14 - 10:07



  • IMX291 IP board camera 6mm f/0.95 lens
  • Raspberry Pi4
  • RMS software

25 frames/sec


Leeds, West Yorkshire (Bortle 7)

Target name

20221214_015626 - a Geminid fireball


20221214_015626 - a Geminid fireball

About this image

'Twas the night before maximum...

My video cameras recorded hundreds of meteors last night despite the intermittent cloud and bright Moon. This fireball was recorded by my SW-facing RMS camera. It wasn't logged by the RMS 'standard meteor' code but it was captured by its fireball detector (attached). This means that it involves spending some time fiddling with SkyFit2 to manually analyse it.

I'm assuming it was a Geminid because of its relatively slow motion across the sky and its trail aligns well with the Geminids' radiant near Castor. (The trail to its right is its internal reflection).

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