Observation by Howard Brown-Greaves: Sun in H-alpha Feb 7th

Uploaded by

Howard Brown-Greaves


Howard Brown-Greaves


2023 Feb 07 - 17:04


2023 Feb 07 - 17:16


The Sun

  • Solarscope 70mm double stacked

Fulham, London

Target name

The Sun


Sun in H-alpha Feb 7th

About this image

Taken in my back garden at about 12.20GMT just as the fog cleared after a very cold start. Best 10% of 3500 sequence stacked and sharpened with Registax. Levels and colourization in Photoshop. The sun is still quite low but it's current high levels of activity reward regular viewing an imaging.

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Martin Lewis
Martin Lewis, 2023 Feb 07 - 21:19 UTC

Wonderfully detailed shot there Howard. You should submit more of your quality images.


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