Observation by Jimmy Fraser: Aurora at Alness, 23rd March 2023.

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Jimmy Fraser


Jimmy Fraser


2023 Mar 23 - 22:33


2023 Mar 24 - 17:33



  • Fuji XT5
  • Samyang 21mm f/1.4

Exposure 0.7 seconds, f/1.4 ISO 5000


Alness, Scotland.

Target name

Aurora 23rd March 2023


Aurora at Alness, 23rd March 2023.

About this image

There was a fair bit of cloud slowly clearing from the south when I got an amber aurora alert. Best conditions were between 2200 and 2300 UT. It was quite active in regards to light pulsation and gentle 'flaming' when observed on the camera screen. Some live video has been uploaded to youtube. The link will be added as a comment.

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Jimmy Fraser
Jimmy Fraser, 2023 Mar 24 - 17:38 UTC

Live Aurora at Alness 23rd March 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKZJGGwTX5Y

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