Observation by Alex Pratt: Plaques to astronomers in Jedburgh, Scot...

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Alex Pratt


Alex Pratt


2023 Aug 10 - 14:07


2023 Aug 19 - 11:28



  • Mobile phone

Jedburgh, Scotland

Target name

Plaques to astronomers in Jedburgh, Scotland


Plaques to astronomers in Jedburgh, Scotland

About this image

My old phone didn't clearly resolve the inscriptions. The text is given below and a link to Jedburgh's Historical Blue Plaques:



Stone plaque:


Sir David Brewster

KH Scientist

Born 1781 Died 1868

Let there be light


Blue plaques:


Sir David Brewster

1781 - 1868


Born in a house on this site, son of the Rector of the Grammar

School, he became a famous physicist, mathematician,

astronomer and inventor. He was Principal of both St Andrews

and Edinburgh universities. His main work was on optics and

the polarisation of light (Brewster's Angle). He is also remembered

for the invention of the kaleidoscope.


Mary Somerville

1780 - 1872

Born in the Manse at Jedburgh, she was known as the "Rose of

Jedwood". Mary became famous for her writings on

mathematics, astronomy, and the sciences, in spite of all the

difficulties put in her way as a woman in a man's world. She

was respected all over Europe and received many distinctions.

Somerville College, Oxford, was named in her honour.


James Veitch

1771 - 1838

A man of rare talent and self-taught he developed his

knowledge of engineering, mathematics and astronomy,

becoming famous for his telescopes and other instruments.

His scientific workshop at Inchbonny near Jedburgh was

visited by many eminent people including Mary Somerville,

Walter Scott and notably David Brewster whom he

inspired to study optics.


See also:

Jedburgh.org.uk | Jedburgh's Historical Blue Plaques

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