Observation by Alex Pratt: Celestial Sphere artwork, Armagh, Northe...

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Alex Pratt


Alex Pratt


2023 Sep 20 - 09:20


2023 Dec 28 - 21:45



  • Mobile phone

Upper English Street, Armagh, Northern Ireland

Target name

Celestial Sphere artwork, Armagh, Northern Ireland


Celestial Sphere artwork, Armagh, Northern Ireland

About this image

Whilst attending ESOP42 in Armagh, a group of us came across this fascinating artwork near the city centre. As well as depicting a celestial sphere, its granite base is carved with numerous illustrations of astronomical knowledge over the centuries, from Ancient Egypt to William Herschel to Einstein.

The artwork is 'Celestial Sphere' by Brian Connelly.

Visit Armagh - Armagh City Centre Public Art Trail

“Celestial Sphere” by Brian Connolly | Location: Upper English Street

"The brightest stars of the night sky have been mapped onto this 2m diameter sphere. The sphere is aligned to the north with the stars correctly orientated towards the pole star. The sphere is set on granite stones engraved with information about the history of Astronomy over more than 2,000 years."

Celestial Sphere | Art UK

"A polished sphere with tiny gold dots for stars, set upon a base of the largest of four low blocks, all with engraved texts and illustrations about astronomy, physics and moon landings."

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