Observation by Bill Leatherbarrow: The Marsh of Decay

Uploaded by

Bill Leatherbarrow


Bill Leatherbarrow


2024 Jan 18 - 19:47


2024 Jan 23 - 14:24


The Moon

  • OMC300 Mak-Cass
  • ASI290MM camera


Target name

Palus Putredinis


The Marsh of Decay

About this image

Palus Putredinis (Marsh of Decay) is an unfortunate name for the small patch of relatively smooth mare lavas south-east of the crater Archimedes, but it offered a remarkable sight under low morning illumination on 18th January. Seeing was not particularly good, but  Archimedes showed up emerging from its night at the upper left of the image, while Mons Hadley and other peaks of the Apennines caught the bright morning sun and cast long dramatic shadows toward the lower right. The Bradley and Fresnel rilles can be seen, and the Rima Archimedes is just emerging from shadow. The famous Hadley rille, visited by the Apollo 15 astronauts, is still obscured on this image by the shadows cast by the Apennine peaks.

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