Observation by Peter Hannah: The Elephant's Trunk Nebula

Uploaded by

Peter Hannah


Peter Hannah


2024 May 09 - 00:00


2024 May 30 - 15:27


The Elephant Trunk (IC1396)

Planetarium overlay


Canis Major

Field centre

RA: 06h49m
Dec: -13°48'
Position angle: +150°31'

Field size

9° × 9°

  • Planewave CDK 14 Corrected Dall-Kirkham
  • 10Micron GM2000 mount
  • FLI Proline P9000 CCD camera
  • Astrodon LRGB broadband and H-alpha 3nm filters

IC Astronomy, Oria, Spain

Target name

The Elephant's Trunk Nebula - part of IC1396


The Elephant's Trunk Nebula

About this image

The Elephant’s Trunk is the name given to this small part of the giant IC1396 gas cloud, which is glowing in the radiation from a very bright triple-star system of O-type stars (HD206267), which is out of sight to the left of the field.

This view combines a standard set of LRGB exposures with a deep H-alpha narrowband image, which provides most of the red ionized hydrogen component.

The field of view in this image is 49 arc-minutes square. South is up.

Exposure times: Luminosity 13hrs, Red 7.5hrs, Green 9hrs, Blue 9hrs, H-alpha 27hrs.


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