Observation by Peter Tickner: thin-ringed Saturn

Uploaded by

Peter Tickner


Peter Tickner


2024 Jun 02 - 02:59


2024 Jun 04 - 22:36



Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 02h19m
Dec: -02°05'
Position angle: +90°05'

Field size

0°07' × 0°05'

  • ZWO ASI482MC
  • Chroma luminance filter
  • 4x Televue PowerMate
  • 14inch f/10 LX200ACF SCT
  • EQ8 mount

Urban Berkshire

Target name



thin-ringed Saturn

About this image

A thin-ringed low Saturn through the murk in twilight on 2nd June - conditions were against capturing any detail but interesting to see how thin the rings now are as they close up.


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Mr Ron Palgrave
Mr Ron Palgrave, 2024 Jun 06 - 10:41 UTC

I had taken a shot at Saturn after Mercury on same day, but at about 09 AM-which is far too late, but just wanted to get some early sense of how the rings looked. Your image captures  it well. In LUM filter my image was terrible, but in 850 nm there was something recognisable. Since then I have got up each morning, but the sky has been too bright by the time the planet has cleared obstructions, so I have given up. You must have a clear view to the West.

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