Observation by Peter Tickner: Sh2-115 - a jewel box of delights

Uploaded by

Peter Tickner


Peter Tickner


2024 Jun 05 - 22:47


2024 Jun 05 - 22:47


Sharpless 115

  • ZWO ASI2400MC Pro
  • ZWO dual band filter
  • OAG (Lodestar X2)
  • 14inch f/10 LX200ACF SCT
  • EQ8 mount



Urban Berkshire

Target name

Sh2-115 jewel box of delights


Sh2-115 - a jewel box of delights

About this image

This is a combination of data from the nights of 1-2 June and 4-5 June.  I've been working my way around interesting objects in Cygnus that suit the close-up view from my f/10 14inch SCT.  Sharpless 2-115 isn't just the typical red nebulosity of many regions around Deneb and Sadr in Cygnus, the stars in the field of view are themselves a colourful jewel box of their own, well worth observing.


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