Observation by Andy Chadwick: Sunspot group AR1334 and resultant auror...

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Andy Chadwick


Andy Chadwick


2024 May 09 - 12:48


2024 Jun 26 - 08:31


The Sun

  • Solar:127 mm MakCass + Powermatex2 + Canon R7.
  • Aurora: Sony RX-10iii

South Cumbria.

Target name

Sun, sunspot group AR1334, aurora


Sunspot group AR1334 and resultant aurora, 9 & 10 May 2024.

About this image

The spectacular aurora event of 10 May 2024 was caused by exceptional geomagnetic activity triggered by what has turned out to be one of the largest sunspot groups in history (AR 1334). Here is a montage of the sunspot group imaged on 9 May 2024 and the spectacular aurora on 10 May.

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