Observation by Nick James: C/2023 A3

Uploaded by

Nick James


Nick James


2024 Jul 09 - 08:46


2024 Jul 10 - 20:08


C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 11h09m
Dec: +02°20'
Position angle: +5°40'

Field size

0°18' × 0°14'

  • 0.51-m, f/6.8 CDK



iTelescope, SSO, Australia

Target name

C/2023 A3


C/2023 A3

About this image

A recent paper by Sekanina claims that this comet is currently in the process of fragmentation. Using BAA observers' data I see no evidence for that either in the lightcurve, the astrometry or the images. The comet is no longer visible from the UK but should be observable from the southern hemisphere until August. This high resolution image (0.54 arcsec/pixel) shows an apparently healthy comet with a rather odd tail.

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Grant Privett
Grant Privett, 2024 Jul 10 - 23:41 UTC

Does Larson-Sekanina processing show anything?

Nick James
Nick James, 2024 Jul 11 - 05:53 UTC

Not much. There is a sharp downtail jet and a standard parabolic outflow from the photocentre. Nothing that looks particularly unusual.  It certainly doesn't look like an object in the process of disintegration.

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