Observation by Jimmy Fraser: Aurora in moonlight 16-17 September 2024

Uploaded by

Jimmy Fraser


Jimmy Fraser


2024 Sep 17 - 03:20


2024 Sep 17 - 14:32



  • Fuji XT5
  • Fuji 16mm f/1.4

Exposure 0.6 seconds, f/1.4 ISO 4000


Alness, Scotland.

Target name

Aurora in moonlight 16-17 September 2024


Aurora in moonlight 16-17 September 2024

About this image

Aurora was visible in bright moonlight and showed some ray activity. At around 03.00 UT it started to really brighten and develop into a band with bright rays. Quite spectacular on the camera screen. Photographed from a field of barley stubble. A Tawny Owl and a Fox both called a few times when the aurora was brightest.


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Ian Jarrett
Ian Jarrett, 2024 Sep 17 - 15:19 UTC

Beautiful description to accompany your image, thanks!

Jimmy Fraser
Jimmy Fraser, 2024 Sep 17 - 20:47 UTC

Thank you for your kind comment Ian. Yes, events like last night remind us that there are other beautiful forms of life living out their lives under the stars and the aurora.

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