Observation by Peter Tickner: Venus in IR 19-21 September

Uploaded by

Peter Tickner


Peter Tickner


2024 Sep 21 - 16:00


2024 Sep 23 - 11:26



  • Player One Uranus-C
  • Semrock 935/170 nm band pass filter
  • 14inch f/10 LX200ACF SCT
  • EQ8 mount

5 ms videos


Urban Berkshire

Target name

Venus in IR


Venus in IR 19-21 September

About this image

Venus is still relatively small as it slowly approaches our side of the Sun.  I have a brief window when the Sun is blocked by my house and I can risk pointing the SCT at Venus as it swings towards the West in the late afternoon.  It has taken me a while to work out the right exposure and gain settings to pick out faint cloud features in IR but thankfully I now have an idea how best to do this without overexposing the original data.


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