Observation by Grant Privett: Gyulbudaghian's Variable Nebula

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Grant Privett


Grant Privett


2024 Sep 28 - 00:30


2024 Oct 05 - 19:01


Gyulbudaghian's variable nebula

  • 300mm VX12 f/4 Newtonian
  • SX Trius 694
  • SW NEQ6 + Rowan

175 x 30s


Near Salisbury

Target name

Gyulbudaghian's Nebula


Gyulbudaghian's Variable Nebula

About this image

A night of surprising clarity. I got some observations in, but only after sorting out the network chaos caused by a Windows update - so bad I have given up on using Wifi in the dome and subsequently now only use ethernet... MS mucked it up every month or so and my patience became vanishingly thin.

Interestingly, the better than average clarity meant that the Herbig-Haro 100 looked longer than usual to me, though its probably just because the star images are tighter than usual and the width to length ration more extreme than usual.

Then nebula itself remains dim with the north and south lobes of similar brightness

Something went wrong with the processing which I need to investigate. I used to do it all in AstroArt but recently moved to my own code and clearly its not bomb proof yet... :) Shame as I suspect it will be one of my sharper Gyul pics of the year... 

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Richard Sargent
Richard Sargent, 2024 Oct 06 - 07:52 UTC

Nice image Grant. Yes the HH object perhaps looks more prominent than usual but as you say the good seeing may have helped. Also the exposure time is significantly longer than your last couple of images so maybe that's another contributing factor?

Richard Sargent 

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