Observation by Peter Tickner: Venus night side 3rd February
Uploaded by
Peter Tickner
Peter Tickner
2025 Feb 03 - 17:30
2025 Feb 04 - 22:12
- QHY5111585M
- Thorlabs FELH 1000 nm long pass
- Pixelteq 1010/38 nm band pass filter
- 0.5 reducer
- 14inch f/10 LX200ACF SCT
- EQ8 mount
80 ms per video frame
Urban Berkshire
Target name
Venus night side
Venus night side 3rd February
About this image
I'm not well placed for this elongation and will have to wait until late 2026 for the next favourable elongation. Venus disappears behind my house from the observatory by around 17:45 and it will only get rapidly worse from now on. Within a week I won't be able to see Venus from my observatory when the Sun is far enough below the horizon to detect the night side properly. The night side can only be detected once the background sky brightness level drops and detail on the night side is only detectable once the Sun is around 5 degrees below the horizon. That gave me a maximum of 19 minutes - this is a stack of the two 10 minute videos I managed at that time merged in PIPP and then processed as one video, stacking 95% of the 14,000 images. Typically I have managed to acquire a rare beast, the best currently available sensor or this work - a mono IMX585 - but will have to rely on the kindness of a colleague to use their telescope over the next few weeks until the opportunity as we approach inferior conjunction is over.
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