Observation by Grant Privett: Occultation of Susanna
Uploaded by
Grant Privett
Grant Privett
2025 Feb 05 - 00:09
2025 Feb 05 - 01:02
542 Susanna
- SX Trius 694
- 300mm f/4 Newtonian
1x 60s unbinned
Near Salisbury, UK.
Target name
Occultation of Susanna
About this image
Have meant to try this for years but the fates conspired. But it was clear tonight and, more importantly, I remembered. As I don't have a CMOS camera, I took a single exposure of 60 starting at 00:09:38 with the idea of encompassing the whole event plus adding some chance for asteroid moons to make themselves known. I hoped for a broken star trail and thats what I got.
The attached is a quick and dirty profile by Astroart. I will try to do something a bit better after dark subtraction and flat fielding. Either way a pleasing result - whatever the numbers end up being.
Now back to the variable nebulae and asteroid light curves....
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Grant, Thank you for the observation, so far the only positive in the Uk. I would like to contact you to get a report for submission, which i will prepare with your help.
Cheers - Tim
No problem. Please do. Today has been insane at work and I have only now got some spare time - and it should be clear in 30 minutes - so I've not been near the data today...
Will generate a new dark tonight. Just to be sure.
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