2011 December 12
Some pictures of the total lunar eclipse
A good number of people were successful in witnessing the final phases of the total lunar eclipse from the UK. Here are a few taken by members of the BAA.
- Michael McNeill, Upper Basildon, West Berkshire 16.04 UTC 1/125 sec 500mm, ISO 1600 and f6.3
- Michael McNeill, Upper Basildon, West Berkshire 16.14 UTC 1/50 sec 500mm, ISO 1600 and f6.3
- Michael McNeill, Upper Basildon, West Berkshire 16.15 UTC 1/100 sec 229mm, ISO 1600 and f6.3
- Lunar eclipse over west Suffolk – Martin Mobberley Canon 300D + 355mm f/5.9 Takahashi FS60c 1/40s ISO 400
- Lunar eclipse from Suffolk – Dennis Boon. Date 10/12/2011 at 16.15hrs Canon 1000D, Orestegor 300mm @F5.6, 1/100 sec @ISO400.
- Photograph of the rising penumbral eclipsed moon over South Wales by Martin Griffiths. December 10th 16:13UT. Taken with a Canon D10 DSLR at f10 on a 100mm Vixen refractor 1/30th sec exposure at ISO 800
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